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    Trump Declares Coronavirus “National Emergency” Amid Botched Response


    Chelsea Manning freed following suicide attempt; Amid outbreak, Sunday debate huge for Sanders; US bombs Iraqi troops in “defensive strike”

    On this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Patrick Henningsen, writer, global affairs analyst, co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire, to talk about the news that Chelsea Manning has been ordered free in the wake of her suicide attempt two days ago, whether the release represents real contrition by the prosecutors or merely an acknowledgment that their continued incarceration of Manning is causing more bad PR than it's worth, how all these developments tie into the ongoing attempts by the US government to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from the UK, and why the US government jailing Manning after her sentence was commuted indicates the Justice Department has limited confidence in their evidence against Julian Assange.
    In the second segment, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Jim Kavanagh, a political analyst and contributor to Counterpunch and, where you can read his piece “The Party's Over: Bernie's Last Dance With the Dems,” to talk about the upcoming Democratic debate between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, why Bernie Sanders has to go on the offensive and point out Biden's propensity to state mistruths if he wants to stay in the race, why the Coronavirus outbreak represents a golden opportunity for Sanders to point out the need for…

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