Thursday, October 10, 2024

Amid Struggle to Build Subs, Navy Gives Company Running Ads and Website a $1 Billion Contract


The company behind “” has been given a contract worth nearly $1 billion by the Navy to promote the expansion of the submarine industrial , according to a Pentagon announcement Tuesday.

The contract, which has options that allow it to pay out as much as $980 million, went to a company called BlueForge Alliance that is less than two years old and seems to be largely focused on producing glitzy ads and running a slick website that aggregates available job openings at companies that actually build submarines for the Navy.

The spending comes at a critical time for the service. It is not only struggling to build submarines to replace its own aging fleet, but it’s also been tapped to sell some nuclear-powered submarines to as part of a major new international deal.

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According to the announcement, first…

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