Monday, January 6, 2025

Troops at 5 Bases to Be Part of ‘Test Moves’ Under New Private Management of Household Goods Shipments


U.S. Transportation Command said Tuesday that it’s ready to handing off management of some family household goods shipments as it transitions to a private contractor, HomeSafe Alliance, to handle permanent change of station moves.

The new management will start with a series of “test moves” at a handful of U.S. installations in the next couple of weeks. The command and HomeSafe Alliance have solved “the majority” of information technology challenges involving web applications they each developed to help military families track the moves, officials said on a call with reporters.

The tech challenges had delayed the rollout of the all-new process and private management, which the military hopes will improve the often frustrating process. Service members and families will find a “much more user-friendly” experience, said Andy Dawson, director of Transportation Command’s Defense Personal Property Management Office.

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The privately managed household goods shipments were originally slated to begin in September, featuring HomeSafe Alliance’s HomeSafe Connect digital interface, along with the military’s new MilMove online platform. The company said the Connect app will allow military families who change duty stations to schedule each aspect of their shipment, track their inventory, and get help with…

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