Friday, January 17, 2025

Space Force Rolls Out Fitness Trackers to Guardians in Lieu of Traditional Testing


The Space announced Thursday it will conduct a two-year testing period on wearable fitness trackers as part of its newly unveiled fitness policy.

The service will the assessment of wearable technology this month, and use will be voluntary, according to a press release. It will work with the Force Research Laboratory to develop the guidelines for the wearable devices, with the aim of regularly monitoring fitness and wellness of Guardians.

Those who opt in will not be required to take the old fitness assessment that included push-ups, sit-ups and a 1.5-mile run.

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“The Air Force Research Laboratory is proud to work with the U.S. Space Force to ensure that Guardians receive a highly effective, safe, and secure fitness assessment capability,” Dr. James Christensen, a lab product line lead, said in a statement.

In 2022, Space Force leaders promised to unveil a revolutionary fitness program called the Holistic Health Approach that would use fitness wearables — similar to Apple Watches or Fitbits — to help track exercise, diet and sleep instead of using a physical test like the other services have embraced for decades.

But progress on that program and details of how it will work had not been fully disclosed until Thursday, when Space Force officials released the memo detailing the structure of the program.

It will be…

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